Our goal at Jauer Dependable Genetics is the production of moderately sized, deep, thick cattle that will work in "real world" forage environments. We employ a balance trait selection proccess and utilize breeding stock that have proven to produce offspring that exhibit the tratis that work to better our cow herd. Traits like thick - deep made bodies, calving ease, great udders, structural soundness, moderate frame, and eye appeal are all paramount in our selection process.
The foundation our program is built around is the moderate frame Angus mamma cow. JDG cows are 4 - 5 frame and will weigh 1100 - 1300 lbs. They will go out and calve on her own, raise a good, healthy calf, get bred back each year, and maintain her flesh through the winter without the need of excessive amounts of feed and grain. Breeding this foundational Angus mamma cow to deep flanked, moderate framed, maternally efficient bulls yields a consistent, easy fleshing, highly efficient cow herd. Breeding for this overall cow herd efficiency brings us back closer to mother nature. Offspring from these animals utilize forage more economically, require less supplemental feed, breed back more consistently, live longer - more productive lives, produce low birth weight calves, and finish with good carcass characteristics.
Unfortunately, the Angus breed has been moving away from the cornerstones that have kept the breed on top. Many breeders are neglecting selection for maternal efficiency, moderate frame size, and longevity and are concentrating on extreme production traits using E.P.D.'s as their only selection criteria. Selection for big production traits like extreme growth and milk production may look good on paper, but the long term damage to the producer's cow herd is severe and long lasting. Replacement heifers bred for extreme production creates an animal on the extreme end of the spectrum. Females bred this way cannot maintain their body condition and will not breed back if left out on pasture. They need extra feed and grain to survive. This is certainly not cost efficient, especially in today's competitive market. Many purebred and commercial breeders are seeing the damage being done to their cow herd and are beginning to move away from this trend. We have foreseen this as an inevitable turn in the Angus breed. The key to profitability is not only increasing your outputs, but also (and sometimes more importantly) decreasing your input costs.
Our philosophy is to produce genetics that will work over the long haul and not
to follow every trend that comes along. We feel that,
by choosing smart - efficient genetics to use in
your cow herd, you too can increase your probability of improving your bottom
line and keep the beef industry profitable for everyone involved.
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Jauer Dependable Genetics
Hinton, Iowa
(712) 253-8710 | (712) 253-0125